So you’re trying to pay for college, but what exactly is it you are paying for? Some of you already know exactly what you want to do and have chosen your major accordingly, while the rest of you just don’t know yet. Given that school is so expensive, it is important that you choose the right major and determine your career goals promptly.
The first year or two is the best time to figure out what you want to do while you are attending school. So how do you figure out what you want? Many colleges and universities have career counseling services where you can take personality inventories and learn about your abilities and find options that appeal to your interests. These methods can be a good jumping off point, but don’t expect to get more out of this than an idea of careers you might want to try.
You also need to consider if the careers that appeal to you will bring in the kind of income that you want. If you really want to have a six-figure lifestyle, then perhaps majoring in social work is not right for you. If you plan on financing a large portion or all of your college education (despite the fact that this very blog has given you many options to avoid this) then you need to choose a career that will allow you to pay off your student loans. In addition you need to consider how competitive of a job market you are willing to deal with. If you want a career that is fairly stable then journalism or acting may not be for you. In the Useful Links tab you can find the Bureau for Labor Statistics website. This website is very useful at determining the starting average, overall average, and competitiveness of various careers and industries. It is very important to be aware of these facts before you even decide on a major.
The next step is to explore the few careers that interest you. The best ways to do this is to participate in academic clubs, mentorships (as a mentee), and volunteering. The more exposure you have to the realities of a career the more likely you will know that it is or isn’t for you. Taking a one or two introductory classes in the field(s) you are interested in is also a good idea because then you will be able to determine if you are cut out for the academic study of that subject. Although I love travel and learning about different cultures, I am terrible with foreign languages. I just don’t have the aptitude for foreign language.
After you take all of these steps take a step back and really listen to yourself. If you have loved what you have learned so far then go for that major! If things just don’t seem to fit keep looking you’ll figure it out.