There are many ways of making money for college... this way is not frequently a person's first thought. Online begging is certainly not new. In fact, several years ago 20/20 featured a woman who got herself into horrible credit card debt and paid all the debt off by begging online.
If you simply Google "online begging" many, many websites will come up. If you choose to do this there are multiple things you need to consider.
Are you comfortable with the idea of begging? Some people, like me, don't feel comfortable getting money because someone else pities me. Begging relies on people liking you enough to want to help and people pitying you enough to actually give you money. Begging is truly a desperate act.
You also need to be aware of scams. Scams? I'm trying to get others to give me money, not the other way around. Yep, scams. Some begging sites are out there to skim money off of those who most desperately want it.
Never give anyone any identifying information or contact info. There are some real crazy people out there. It is also important to realize that some people may be expecting you to give them something seedy in return for their donation. Make it clear that you will not be sending any compromising photos or video of yourself, and that you will not be meeting anyone in person.
A better alternative to using an online begging site is to create your own website where you can share expertise or offer a service. You can make money off of advertising and donations to your site. This is more akin to starting a business rather than begging. Plus making money online because you have something positive to contribute will be much more satisfying.