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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Uncle Sam: I Want You to Go to College!

When most people think of the military providing for a college education they think of the ROTC.  I do plan on outlining this program, but there are other methods of taking advantage of educational opportunities in the military. Before you consider the military remember that this is a huge commitment. You should really want to be in the military in addition to earning a college education. Don’t join if you are just in it for the money.

The ROTC program has many advantages.  One advantage is you receive assistance with paying for college (through monthly allowances and tuition assistance).  Other advantages include a guaranteed job after graduation and entering the military as an officer (which is a better paying position and creates the foundation for a career in the military).  The downside to the ROTC is that there are age and physical restrictions.   Generally if you are already in your mid-twenties or older the ROTC program is not for you.  Also not every degree program is eligible for the education benefits of the ROTC. Feel free to check out the ROTC programs for the following branches if you want more detailed information:

There are other military programs that assist with education.  If you choose to enlist first, there are multiple enlisted soldier scholarships, and, if you are eligible, the GI bill pays for college after your military service is complete.  Several Reserve programs also provide bonus programs which can be applied to the cost of education after you finish school or if you are still attending school.  Other options include enlisting as an officer after you graduate from college and qualifying for the same programs that those in the reserves can utilize.

If any of these programs are of interest to you contact your local recruiter for more information.  The recruiter can lay out your options and you can choose what is best for you.

You might be thinking that there can’t possibly be anymore pathways and you would be wrong…there is one more pathway left and you’ll find out about it tomorrow. 
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